Installation Steps for the NextJS Typescript.
- Step 1: Install ViteJS:
npx create-next-app@latest --typescript <APPNAME>
✔ Would you like to use ESLint? … No / Yes ✔ Would you like to use Tailwind CSS? … No / Yes ✔ Would you like to use `src/` directory? … No / Yes ✔ Would you like to use App Router? (recommended) … No / Yes ✔ Would you like to customize the default import alias (@/*)? … No / Yes
- Step 2: Go to your project
- Step 3: Run install
pnpm install or npm install or yarn add or bun install
- Step 4: Install @xbeshui/core
pnpm install @xbeshui/core or npm install @xbeshui/core or yarn add @xbeshui/core or bun install @xbeshui/core
- Add xbesh UI CSS in your project by pasting the following line in your layout.tsx or root file
import '@xbeshui/core/dist/style.css';